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What's in your Pyro Toolbox?


Staff Member
Apr 2019
Share what are your must haves for your pyro tool box!

Currently in my small(carry everywhere) box is:
  • Anvil Cutters
  • Razor Blade
  • Zip Ties
  • Protractor
  • Sharpie
  • Masking Tape
  • Brass Awl
  • Aluminum Foil Tape
  • Pliers
My "home" box has a lot more lol
Anvil Cutters
Diagonal Cutters
Connector Pliers (for crimping Scotch-Lok connectors when connecting scab wire to e-match)
Pyro Pokes (3 different sizes)
OLFA Utility Knife
Sharpies (I buy them by the box at Costco because I'm always loaning them out)
OLFA Utility Scissors

I do keep some consumables (e-tape, masking tape, zip ties, Scotch-Lok connectors) but those are usually supplied by whichever company I'm shooting for so of course I use theirs first.
Here is stuff I keep under the seat of my truck:

Utility Knife (Probably my most used tool)
Diagonal Cutters
Tape, Tape & More Tape
Brass Pokes (The screwdriver handles are pokes too)
Truck/Trailer seals
Headlamps & Extra Batteries
Brass mini scissors (I won't say what I use them for)

Not pictured:
Gloves, gloves, & more gloves. Cheap harbor freight gloves last just as long as the big brands from my experience.
Baby wipes (Don't laugh - these come in very handy when it's chow time-- Thanks Joe T)
Zip ties
Pens/Sharpies (by the box like BrianO)
First Aid Kit

The orange fluorescent duct tape wrapped on things comes in handy to find a tool when I leave it sitting somewhere.

For lighting during cleanup, my truck has a built in inverter and powers this which is super bright. They have newer and cheaper models now:61N-i+0NTlL._SL1500_.jpg
I don't really have a must have list. For me to say ANY of my items are less important wouldn't fly. I have everything that all the others I shoot with have and then some other items. 4 full boxes.
3 anvil cutters
2 utility knives
my service knife
4 brass 1/4 inch awls (Match never have the shroud removed, Need another size???)
extra belt for my pants, just in case
3 extra pair safety glasses
lg bag foam ear plugs
2 spools shoot wire 22 & 24
3 boxes 3m initiators
3 boxes 2m initiators
cordless impact driver with 3 extended life batteries
3 driver extensions for impact driver
roll of 35gal black bags
4 lb hand sledge
5 lb hand sledge
Fire retardant jump suit with reflective stripes (Shooter 'Fuse' can say he knows where I am on fire detail!)
4 ft snow fence stakes cut in half (only have the bottom half with the flat spade on it) They work great for small random cakes with duct tape.
2 rolls of each:
duct tape
gaffers tape
1 inch masking
2 inch masking
electrical tape

Almost forgot JUST IN CASE:
1 - 18R2
2 - 18M

My last shoot was approximately 90 miles from where most of live. 180+ miles round trip for something forgotten OR you now have another new tool to add to the pile from a store (if there open)
Tool Box 1:

2 pyro pokes (brass)
1 roll of masking tape
Several rolls of duct tape
2 Utility knives (to help open packaging
Package of ear plugs
Gunners Muffs
Several headlamps plus batteries

Tool Box 2:

3 boxes of various sized igniters
2 boxes of I-match
2 500 ft spools of shooting wire (one's nearly empty though)
Towels (those microfiber ones from Costco, great for wiping stuff down at the end of the night)
My 12 cue battery operated firing system plus its remote

Plastic Tote:

3 32 cue Dewey systems
1 multi function remote to control them
2 extra batteries for the firing systems
So much fuse!!!