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Pyromaster Firing System


May 2019
Looking to buy a back up manual firing system to my Starfire. Has anyone ever used a Pyromaster system before.
I assume you're talking about the systems made by Jamie Dye? If so, everything I have seen of his has been well built. Which panel are you looking at?
Shooting star deluxe
Looks like a well made system and I'm sure you'll be happy with it. One thing about anything Jamie builds, there is a lot of thought process put into it as he is one of the smartest guys I've ever met in the industry, always thinking of how things could work better, be more reliable, etc. Good choice as far as a manual panel imo. Are you buying new or used?

That being said, I'm curious when you say "backup" what is the actual purpose? Are you looking for something to use in case your Starfire panel doesn't work and you can swap out quickly and still get the show fired? Or in case you find out something is wrong with your panel and there isn't enough time to get it fixed before the show date?
All my shows are manually fired so both system would be used at the same time. We've found that using multiple systems work better. Instead of having 20 mods on 1 starfire system we would use 2 systems with 10 mods on each. Unfortunately my second shooter decided to take some time so that's why I'm looking for a second system. Thanks for the help
Interesting, what is the advantage of using two systems? On our manual fired shows, we put together "sequence scripts" and just manually go through the products that way. Gives us the control over the show without having to switch between modules during the show. This way, we can design the show knowing that if a cake fires too fast or we need to pick up the pace or something, we can just step to the next "sequence". Sometimes the sequence might be a single shell or a volley of shells. Hopefully I'm explaining it in a manner which makes sense lol.
My philosophy is if something goes wrong we still have another system sending stuff up. As guys buy their own systems everyone has a part. We've been doing it this way for years going back to the Delcor systems days. We did a 600 cue show last year with 1400 shells 3-8inch plus cakes using 5 systems. Everyone had a blast and think 11 shells went back do to bad match.
I have to say, that's my philosophy exactly. All my Primary systems are backed-up with other "emergency" equipment. I wouldn't be comfortable with only 1 firing system, 1 nailgun, 1 saw, 1 of anything that would be disastrous if (and When ;) ) it fails.

I shoot my shows with a NightHawk, but have 2 of my old FM-45's always with me just in case. This also allows me to "share" the show with other crew members (they can shoot the Front or Finale separate and participate). Does great for morale!