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NBA Pyro

Shooting pyro in the era of Covid. 76ers season opener. 8 salamander quad flame units, ZERO fans.

You can see 4 flame units in action in this video. This season we added 4 more flame units. Couldn't get any video of this season Sixers opener from my position on the catwalk above the flames.

Wow Howard, that's awesome! So glad to see their letting the pyro continue without the fans.
I was wondering how this was going to look/feel like!
Doing pyro and attending a pro sports event in the era of covid is a very strange experience.

The Philly fire marshal told me the Philadelphia Eagles are still doing roof top pyro despite having no fans.

This Thursday I'll be doing my 3rd fireworks show of 2020 in front of an actual audience. Counting a club shoot, Thunder in the Poconos event and IPC's annual Christmas charity event I got to shoot a lot more fireworks this year than I ever expected all things considered.
I hear you buddy.
I did attend NLPC's Altoona shoot, that Pa. shoot where I saw you and a couple of other pyros, did my 4th of July show and small things for New Years but will be looking to attend a lot more events this year! God willing we won't be in lockdown mode!!
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Fire marshal told me at Sunday night's game the Sixers are ready to bring back the the big flames seen in the 1st pic.

He agrees with me about the salamanders being lame. 🤣

Waiting for the NBA to green light them. Probably won't see them until the playoffs.

Up to 25% capacity. Those are tee shirts on the seats where the fans are allowed to sit.

The big flames are coming back.... Season opener 10/23

The 76ers director of game presentation agrees the Salamanders suck. 😁🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
They only used us for the payoffs this year.

The scoreboard flames are shot by my buddy Larry from up in the booth.

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