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Long island


Jan 2020
Hi everyone,
So now that NY is a little bit more of a pyro-friendly state, I was wondering if there was a push to get the governor to allow sparkling devices in Suffolk and Nassau county in Long Island? I also have a question about the new fireworks law. Do they have to vote on it every year? For instance: If Suffolk says no to fireworks this year does that cover just the year and it comes up for a revote? Or does that mean that was their final word unless we put a flame under their butts?
It's been some time since the law change so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I seem to remember once the law changed, each county/township had a certain amount of time to vote to either "opt in" or not. While I'm sure each municipality could decide to "opt in" at a later point, I do not believe this is an annual thing at all. It would take some pushing at this point to open up an area which did not "opt in" at the beginning.
It's been some time since the law change so my memory is a little fuzzy, but I seem to remember once the law changed, each county/township had a certain amount of time to vote to either "opt in" or not. While I'm sure each municipality could decide to "opt in" at a later point, I do not believe this is an annual thing at all. It would take some pushing at this point to open up an area which did not "opt in" at the beginning.
Thank you for the great answer! I wonder what's a good way to get the ball rolling. I know right now coronavirus is their priority, but when things seem to go back to normal is when I'd like to push for this on long island.
Thank you for the great answer! I wonder what's a good way to get the ball rolling. I know right now coronavirus is their priority, but when things seem to go back to normal is when I'd like to push for this on long island.

Hi Phil, I'll tell you what I tell anyone when it comes to trying to get their area "open" to fireworks of any kind:

1) Go and speak with every representative of your area. If the state level, go see your state reps, local area (which would be the case here) go see your local reps. And when I say "speak" with them, I mean just that. Forget emails, Facebook messages, etc. These are worthless means of communication until you actually get the support you need and the ball rolling. Up until then, it's easy to blow you off. Face to face meetings are where it's at.

2) Find a reason other than "I like fireworks and want them legal" because they don't care what you like or want. They care about two things, money and power. Legalizing fireworks isn't going to get them power, so you'll need to show them the money. Whether it is through tax revenue, small business tax, whatever, you'll need to show them the fiscal advantage to legalizing fireworks. Have all your numbers with you the very first time you meet. The last thing you want to do is waste their time because you won't get a second opportunity if you do.

3) Find a large organization to support you if possible. In WV, the ball to legalization moved very slowly until the WV Veterans Coalition came on board. WV has the largest population of veterans in the country and they have political clout. Find someone locally who has a lot of clout to help you.

4) Get into politics yourself. There are lots of positions within local government which can get you a seat at the table so to speak. Of course this part is easier said than done given the time commitment it requires, but I've watched folks get elected at the local level just so they could gain leverage for something they believed in personally. Once they attain it, they just don't run again. Two year commitment isn't all that bad depending on how badly you believe in something.

At the end of the day, the folks who start on-line petitions, email chains, posts on social media....simply wasting their time. It's nice to have something you can point to and say "see the general public cares" but at the end of the day it will matter little. First, it's too easy to fake it and second, like I said earlier, govt officials do not make laws/rules based on what the general public wants (regardless of what they say).
4) Get into politics yourself. There are lots of positions within local government which can get you a seat at the table so to speak. Of course this part is easier said than done given the time commitment it requires, but I've watched folks get elected at the local level just so they could gain leverage for something they believed in personally. Once they attain it, they just don't run again. Two year commitment isn't all that bad depending on how badly you believe in something.

This one is so true, I can speak from experience. I started out just attending my town's board meetings. Made friendly contact with the supervisor. Then lunch! Hot appointed the the planning board. Now I am chairman of the zoning board of appeals. Just last week my supervisor asked me about some current law, it needs to be updated, I am helping change town law!
i was thinking about this myself,, after 2 straight months of fireworks going off every night leading up to the 4th.(LOVED IT!!) .. without any major incidents and the states really hurting for tax revenue right now.. might be a good time to lobby for this... but what is not helping is all these A$$h@les shooting them at police.. but if accurate figures can be shown about tax $ to be made.. would definitely be worth a shot!!!
i was thinking about this myself,, after 2 straight months of fireworks going off every night leading up to the 4th.(LOVED IT!!) .. without any major incidents and the states really hurting for tax revenue right now.. might be a good time to lobby for this... but what is not helping is all these A$$h@les shooting them at police.. but if accurate figures can be shown about tax $ to be made.. would definitely be worth a shot!!!
A little late of a reply here but yes I agree, it would bring in so much tax revenue! People aren't going to sotp crossing the border and buying them, they might as well make them legal for people to purchase here.

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