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Clean Finale


May 2019
I'm wondering how to avoid a sloppy ending to the finale. I've got 16 cakes ending at the same time and I'm afraid that it will end less abruptly than I'd like due to variations in timing.
i've had good luck making the cakes into "2 match cakes" where i match the front end and the finale rows separately so i can hit that final cue as the second to last cue is petering out.

also it's kinda obvious but just in case... the faster the cakes are (total duration) the better luck you're going to have keeping them clean at the end. four cases of a 15 second cake is going to look a lot better than 4 cases of a 45 second cake.
Stragglers shooting after the desired end is annoying. I will often just put an igniter/initiator in the last (or near to the last) shell of the cake. So if it hasn't gotten to that point, when I fire that cue it will speed up the end. Having some dedicated finale cues that are instant helps put an exclamation point not the finale as well.
use the cakes to lead into a more definite and abrupt by following or overlapping them with a case or two (or three or four or five....):) of quick fused shells for a more abrupt and precise end to the finale
I'm not doing shells this year. This is my first full show I'm scripting and couldn't justify the expense and time for building the racks and tubes. Next year hopefully. I am doing fans made from a case of 200g cakes that are blue and white crackle mines that might work to give me a clean end though.
It can sometimes be a lot of work to double match finale cakes. In those situations I usually will end the finale with a few of something like this:

You could also end it with a something other than crackle if it's not your taste lol
I always try to get something big and controlled so you can fire it while the stragglers are going off, usually on my front like a series of mine walls. We have all experienced the grand finale petering out one shot at a time and feelinging stupid but we learn from it.
I do a “finale to the finale” Set up your all cake finale. You can match, or fuse, the second row and the cakes will fire a little quicker. Once the cake finale stragglers are over, hit the finale to the finale. Some 5 second cakes all fired simultaneously. As many as you can fit/ afford.
I do a “finale to the finale” Set up your all cake finale. You can match, or fuse, the second row and the cakes will fire a little quicker. Once the cake finale stragglers are over, hit the finale to the finale. Some 5 second cakes all fired simultaneously. As many as you can fit/ afford.
Wow, awesome finale, finale. What was that last 5 second cake you launched?
Wow, awesome finale, finale. What was that last 5 second cake you launched?
Looks like SO76 golden brocade instant finale cake. 76 has a color stars version also. I love those. The Dominator instant crackle finale cakes work well too. Even if you hate crackle lol. Any of them are a great way to end a show using cakes. Let your cake finale peter out and send them up. Makes for a nice clean ending.
Like others have mentioned Put something like a wall of mines or a few fan slices at the end that you know you can control really tightly. That way you can give yourself some fudge factor on things running out at different times and still him them all hard at the absolute very end.

I did this for my show this year with Fan slices and it worked out well:

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