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Songs to use in shows


Apr 2019
One of my favorite go to threads in past forums was the song thread. They're always a good source for song ideas for pyromusicals or songs to play in the background.

These are songs I used in the past

House of the rising sun - The Animals

Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

All of the lights - Kanye West

Counting Stars - One Republic
Some of these may not be the best for firework and are just ones I liked but the majority I felt were contenders.

I absolutely NEED to use this version in a pyromusical … I may not use the entire song, but I feel it is done so well with strong transitions, and would be killer with some pyro to go along with it!
Sultans Of Swing covered by Leo Moracchioli featuring MarySpender) -->
Here are the songs I used in my shows starting with 2014. I edit each song down for time using Audacity or Adobe Audition, with most running somewhere between 1:30 and 2:30 each. I haven't repeated a song yet, but one of these days I'm going to do a greatest hits show. Some of these I really want to see again (some with the same choreography, others with new).

Show videos are here

O Fortuna
Live while we're youngOne Direction
Superman Theme
Pirates of the Caribbean Theme
What a wonderful worldLouis Armstrong
My Songs Know what you did in the darkFall Out Boy
FireworkKaty Perry
AmericaNeil Diamond
UnstoppableES Posthumous
Battle Without Honor or HumanityTomoyasu Hotei
Good FeelingFlo Rida
Uptown FunkMark Ronson/Bruno Mars
Live & Let DiePaul McCartney
Great Balls of FireJerry Lee Lewis
Over the RainbowIsrael Kamakawiwoole
Flight of the DreamersFuture World Music
DynamiteTaio Cruz
ROCK in the USAJohn Mellencamp
RoarKaty Perry
DethronedX-Ray Dog
HelloMartin Solveig
When Love Takes OverDavid Duetta
The BombBucketheads
Beethoven ScherzoDavid Garrett
Ain't that a Kick in the HeadDean Martin
Don't Stop the PartyPitbull
Louder than WordsLes Frictions
HandclapFitz and the Tantrums
Can't Fight the FeelingJustin Timberlake
Welcome to your LifeGrouplove
I Feel GoodJames Brown
4th of JulyAnnie Bosko
BelieverImagine Dragons
None shall LiveTwo Steps from Hell
Get Ready for This2 Unlimited
Good TimeOwl City
Feels like SummerWeezer
YMCAVillage People
Sky full of StarsColdplay
America the BeautifulRay Charles
HappyPharrell Williams
ExosuitReally Slow Music
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"Born to be Wild" by Steppenwolf would be awesome. You've got a lyric in there you could really exploit: "Fire all of your guns at once and explode in to space" Think about that...
And of course "Light My Fire" by the Doors, you could go nuts with gas mines. "Try to set the night on fire!"
One of my favorite go to threads in past forums was the song thread. They're always a good source for song ideas for pyromusicals or songs to play in the background.

These are songs I used in the past

House of the rising sun - The Animals

Radioactive - Imagine Dragons

All of the lights - Kanye West

Counting Stars - One Republic

Have you heard the Five Finger Death Punch version of House of the Rising Sun? A great rendition in my opinion!
Boom - POD
Click Click Boom - Saliva
Ladies and Gentlemen - Saliva
When Legends Rise - Godsmack
Monsters - Shinedown
Happy - Pharrell
Total Eclipse of the heart - Bonnie Tyler
Sounds of Madness - Shinedown
Diamond Eyes - Shinedown
Nightmare - Avenged Sevenfold (A7X)
Be Legendary - Pop Evil
I would love to see a show scripted to Metallica"ONE"🖒✌
hehehe Just go to one of there larger concerts for this one. Laser lightshow, smoke, gunshots AND if in a place that isn't afeared of pyro, an actual finale!
Lots of great songs!

Random find. Was clicking around on Amazon and ran across an album Audiomachine by Magnus. I haven't listened to every track and frankly the "music" is just strung together derivatives of movie themes. But...every track I have listened to or clicked around in sounds like it was written for a backyard firework show. Lots of sweeping chords building to crescendo, false endings, quiet passage in the middle of the song for no reason, etc.

I used the song We Believe performed by Newsboys 2 years ago. I just shoot backyard for family. 2 of my wife's aunts cried (happy tears) during the song. Proudest moment in my fireworks "career".

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