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WPS WPS Tiny Module Modification from 9v to 12v Testing


Active member
Jun 2019
So I’ve been helping out Shawn @ House of Fire with getting his WPS tiny modules setup and running and he has been taking it another step further by doing some modifications. All the back and forth and seeing his mods got my brain working so I contacted Ivars (creator of WPS) and asked if I could put two 9v batteries in series to juice the tiny system to 18v. He said it was limited to 16v, but did mention many people had swapped over to a 12v lead acid battery.

So I ordered up a 12v battery, soldered on a 9v connector and gave it a test run. I’m going to be doing some more modifications this week as parts slowly come in from Amazon. Stupid COVID is killing my two day shipping from Amazon.

Anyway here is the video I did today of the testing of the 9v battery and then the 12v. Enjoy.

Here is part 2 of the WPS Tiny build. After converting over the WPS Tiny module FROM 9v to 12v I needed something to house everything so I put it all into a case. Only have to take out the antenna and hook it to the side and flip the power switch on the side to be ready to fire. Fully rechargeable now from my Battery Tender Jr.

I made some mistakes on this first build, but I did another one right after and it came out a lot better. Oh well, live and learn

Picked up a another box, this time from Harbor Freight. It was only $13. Could have used 20% coupon to get it down to $10, but bought some wrenches and used the coupon there. I bought in store so I didn’t have to pay the $6 shipping. The box is a little smaller than the seahorse Tiny module boxes I used in the videos, but it was big enough for my remote, antenna, wire, and keys. I really liked the pick foam on these cases since they have three layers of pick foam so you can customize the depth a lot better than the seahorse boxes that only had one layer. They did have several different sizes of boxes in stock at my store. I definitely recommend these boxes if you are in the market for one.

The last piece to the box build came in. Got a cable to be able to use the Battery Tender Jr or a charger I use for my kid’s power wheels to a barrel connector. Works great.
I swear this is the last piece of these box builds. lol

I added a master switch and digital voltage display to the WPS box build and the sequencer box builds. All of them came out great but each one is a little different since I improved the design with each box build. I hope everyone is ready for next weekend.
