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Victory Firework YouTube Playlists


Active member
May 2019
North Dakota
Victory Fireworks released the 2020 price list yesterday. I had some time on my hands today and was looking for some fan cakes that didn't have shells in them (example "triple decker" which was new to me). After I watched a few videos figured I would put them in a playlist.

I didn't spend a lot of time selecting the video when there was more than one choice. Generally I tried to use one from Victory or Joe Ratman (another good source is deweycoon). If the search didn't pull a somewhat recent video sometimes I used one from somewhere else. If you find this useful but think my choice of a video as the representative sample could have been better I'm not tied to my selection. Shoot me a message and I will update.

It also very possible I missed some cakes. This does not include larger zipper type cakes.