This is a design by a man who went by the handle camjoe. This design incorporates using eyelets and tent stakes to create different angles. You can also skip the eyelets and just screw them into end boards.
Some constructions tips:

Pre-cut everything and assemble spaced top and bottom parts.

Add endboards.

Load them up!

These files were previously offered to those who made a donation to a charity. If these designs helped you please consider making a donation to a charity of your choosing.
Some constructions tips:
- Use 1 1/4" screws to assemble.
- Use 3" screws to secure the side boards to the bottom board(2 x 3).
- Pre-drill your 3" screws or you will split your 2x3.
- Cut all your pieces first and then assemble.
- Assemble your plywood sides with spacers and then add the 2x3. This made using the spacer jig much easier.

Pre-cut everything and assemble spaced top and bottom parts.

Add endboards.

Load them up!

These files were previously offered to those who made a donation to a charity. If these designs helped you please consider making a donation to a charity of your choosing.